发表于 2018-02-02 15:49:51
在辅导考生的过程中,我们发现很多考上写作时对论证方式并没有一个清晰的认识,一篇好的议论文Essay离不开论证(Reasoning)的支持。议论文的关键在于如何以有效的方式来支持主旨。Thesis为何成立,需要文章的body部分来证明,而每段的topic sentence为何成立,需要合理的论证方式来论证。今天,我们以ACT官方给出的满分作文为例,谈谈在议论文写作过程中,几种常见的论证方式。
1. 因果论证
The replacement of humans by machines leads to the loss of value to human life, an effect that outweighs the material gains of automation. The search to find human tasks that can be performed by machines inevitably leads to comparisons between the human and the machine. If a company executive wants to see if a inventory management team can be replaced by a robotic system, he will compare the two and determine which can do a better job. When this occurs, the people on the team are evaluated not for their worth as human beings, but for their effectiveness at performing a specific function—in essence, as we would evaluate a machine. In a larger sense, when we begin to think about humans in this way, the worth of a person’s life becomes dependent on only what they can do and no longer has any intrinsic value. As Perspective One states, we begin to lose our humanity. This new mindset and way of evaluating people, though seemingly harmless in the workplace, is devastating when it begins to pervade a society. If a person is judged only on his or her capability, there is no reason for a person to remain after they have served their function. This would warrant genocide against the elderly and the disabled because their burden on society would not be made up for by any production. Although the machines may seem to only fulfill the low skill jobs at the moment, there is no barrier to prevent the machines from replacing more. As the machines increase in intelligence, they will replace any tasks done by humans and render us unnecessary and worthless.
这个段落的主题句是The replacement of humans by machines leads to the loss of value to human life.机器代替人类将会使人的生命失去价值。之后运用因果论证方式来详细展开,逻辑关系如下:
human tasks be performed by machines;
comparisons between human and machine;
a company will compare the two;
people are evaluated not for their worth as human beings,but for their effectiveness at performing a specific function;
the worth of a person’s life depends on their capacity;
person no reason to remain after serving their function;
genocide against the elderly and the disabled.
最后作者又论证了genocide产生的原因,也就是their burden on society would not be made up for by any production。从这个论证过程可以看出,作者论证了machines的使用会导致genocide的过程,中间缺少任何一个环节就不能推出最终的结果。
because, warrant, lead to
consequently, thus, result from, originate from, since, thus, therefore, be responsible for等。
2. 假设论证
Sentence 1: If a company executive wants to see…
Sentence 2: When this occurs, the people on the team…
Sentence 3: If a person is judged only on his or her capability…
在论证machines让人lose human value时,作者数次运用假设论证。
句1: 假设如果公司的管理者想要知道robotic system是不是能代替inventory team,将会导致comparison的发生。
句2: 当这种现象发生的时候,人们的价值不在于人性的价值,而在于完成一项工作的效率。
句3: 如果对一个人的判断取决于能力大小,那么发挥完功能就不再有作用。
如if, suppose, assume, provided that, in case…
3. 举例论证
As machines increasingly perform all our basic tasks, society is able to produce more. The additional production adds material value to our society and frees people up from these low-skill tasks. This is in agreement with Perspective Two which claims that this industrialization leads to more prosperity. For example, in the 18th century, short-staple cotton that was grown in the Southern United States required an immense amount of labor in order to seperate the seeds from the fiber to process the cotton to make it marketable. However, in the mid-19th century, Eli Whitney, an American entrepreneur, invented the cotton gin, which allowed for automation of cotton processing. This machine replaced the need of a large work force for the process and greatly improved production. As a result of the cotton gin, short-staple cotton production skyrocketed, increasing by more than 10 times in the South while bringing prosperity to the region and setting in motion a new industrial era in America.
这一段的观点是Society is able to produce more.作者在这里引用cotton gin的例子,来说明machine代替人类之后,明显的produce more。运用具体的历史事件来说明观点。
When-in the 18th century
What—short-staple cotton
Where—in the Southern United States
Why—required an immense amount of labor in order to…
Who—Eli Whitney
Function-replaced the need of a large work force
Result-increasing by more than 10 times and setting in motion…
For example, in the automotive industry, most of a car’s individual components are manufactured by pre-programmed robots which have much greater and more precise output than would be possible for a human.
For example, before the first airplane was invented, people could only dream of human flight, but at the moment of takeoff, a whole new world of unimaginable possibilities was suddenly within our grasp.
Take the example of self checkout systems in grocery stores. Self checkout permits consumers to procure their goods and get out of the store quickly.
作者在三段运用了三个例子,分别是robots, airplane和self checkout,每个例子并没有给出具体的时间地点原因等,仅用一句话来概括例子的引用的事物。
如 for example, for instance, take…as an illustration, As is illustrated by…, take…as an example, take the case of…as an example
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