


发表于 2018-03-13 14:01:53



  “Sportsmanship is an aspiration or ethos that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors.”

标准化考试 SAT ACT 托福TOEFL 雅思 GRE 体育 美国文化 考题 备考 真题

  顺带说一句,有的人就是缺乏这种体育精神,输比赛时会很不爽(be salty),一般我们叫他们a sore loser,在美国俚语(slang words)里,大家通常称这种行为throwing shade.。

  E.g. She was salty because she lost the game.

标准化考试 SAT ACT 托福TOEFL 雅思 GRE 体育 美国文化 考题 备考 真题

  A sore loser is someone who loses in a fair competition but whines about it, and blames everyone around them for their loss except themselves. ”


  ❶ 新SAT:考在校生运动员进行体育竞赛的补偿性问题

  Write an essay in which you explain how the author builds an argument to persuade his audience that student athletes deserve fair compensation. In your essay, analyze how the author uses one or more of the features listed in the box that precedes thepassage (or features ofyour own choice) to strengthen the logicand persuasiveness ofhis argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features ofthe passage. (Kaplan备考Test 1题目)

  ❷ ACT:考体育运动员对于大学的作用

College Sports

  College sports have become incredibly popular in the United States. Big games air on the most coveted TV channels at the most coveted times. Teams are followed not only by loyal students and alumni but also by diverse fans from across the country. Major athletic programs bring millions of dollars to university coffers. Star coaches can often earn more than university presidents, making them the highest paid employees on campus. Full scholarships are awarded to star athletes because of their athletic prowess rather than their academic record. In some instances, athletes are even given fake grades to help them stay on the team. Given all of this, should colleges continue to support their sports teams?

  Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the role of athletics at colleges.

  Perspective 1:Colleges should strongly support their sports teams. These teams not only generate millions of dollars for schools, but they also help sell prospective students on attending the college.

  Perspective 2:Sports have no official place in college. Colleges are institutions created for learning, not for athletics. College sports compromise academic standards and disadvantage students who don’t participate.

  Perspective 3:While college sports play a valuable role on university campuses, it is important for administrators to not lose perspective. That some football coaches earn more than university presidents, for example, is clearly wrong.

  ❸ TOEFL:考体育对于人的发展的作用

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing sports teaches people more important lessons about life. (2016年4月23日独立写作考题)

  ❹ GRE:考体育明星与个人私隐问题

  Public figures such as actors, politicians, and athletes should expect people to be interested in their private lives. When they seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy. (Issue考题)

  ❺ IELTS考体育明星收入合理性问题

  Successful sports professional can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? (大作文考题)

  对,就是这个受欢迎的话题。还记得Vin Diesel在 The Fast and the Furious《速度与激情》中说过:“I live my life a quarter mile at a time... nothing else matters.”

标准化考试 SAT ACT 托福TOEFL 雅思 GRE 体育 美国文化 考题 备考 真题

  He was talking about car racing when he said it, but this is the mindset many athletes take towards their sport. Every day they’re not playing is a day wasted.

标准化考试 SAT ACT 托福TOEFL 雅思 GRE 体育 美国文化 考题 备考 真题


  America worships sportsmen and sportswomen to such an extreme that many are willing to turn a blind eye to criminal allegations levied against professional athletes, that school coaches are paid more than teachers and professors, that millions are eager to put their lives on hold just to make sure the big game is seen — and the post-game review, too.


  ➀ Sports are a priority in high schools 美国高中很重视体育;

  ➁ Sports are a priority in colleges 美国大学很重视体育;

  ➂ Little chance for advancement doesn’t stop over-prioritizing 成名度低也不影响人们的热情;

  ➃ Schools cover for their athletes 学校会为他们的运动员埋单;

  ➄ Hero worship 英雄崇拜;

  ➅ Overinflated salaries 超高的收入;

  ➆ Teachers earn less than coaches 教练的收入高于老师;

  ➇ The high value of America’s sports industries 美国体育产业的高收入;

  ⑨ An emphasis on winning 强调胜利;

  ⑩ Excessive media coverage 广泛的媒体报道。

标准化考试 SAT ACT 托福TOEFL 雅思 GRE 体育 美国文化 考题 备考 真题


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