


发表于 2016-06-08 18:26:17

 AF 专栏AF Education 专属博客 Liam Carrigan本文原创译者: 张子霞




















要确定房间里有足够的自然光,并且通风良好。 我再说一次这不但是帮助你集中精神还会让你放松。手边再放一杯喝的,最理想的是你每次学习都喝同样的饮料。正如我在先前发表的博客里所说,持续饮用相同的饮料,相似的香气会激发你大脑中的记忆感受器,让你之前已经消化吸收的信息和公式更容易被大脑提取出来。



Summer Studies: Making the most of your summer break

I can’t believe that as I write this, we are already heading into June. It seems like just a few days ago I was preparing for Christmas and already summer is well and truly upon us.

Across the world now schools and colleges are winding down in preparation for the end of term and the beginning of the summer recess. Naturally, this will also lead to a great influx of returning students to Hong Kong and China, eager to catch up with their friends and family after a long and grueling semester at school.

However, in today’s ultra-competitive world of international academia is there ever really such a thing as a holiday?

For those in pursuit of the highest goals, the best grades and the most promising career opportunities, it is much more a case of continuing as we mean to go on.

For some, every waking moment is another opportunity to learn, to grow and to set one’s self aside from the competition. Some might say this is a form of obsessive over-work, others would say that these individuals are simply “aggressive, go-getters” with a “can-do attitude”.

Social media buzzwords aside, there are compelling cases to make for both sides of the argument. Whilst one cannot, realistically be engaged in constant school work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is important to keep the brain actively engaged and your academic muscles sufficiently flexed during an extended period of leave from school such as the summer recess.

So, with this in mind, what can conscientious students do to maintain their studies during the summer, whilst still ensuring that they achieve adequate levels of rest and recuperation between the end of the summer semester and the beginning of the autumn semester?

There are a number of steps we can take.

Firstly, planning is everything.

Take a look at your calendar and map out exactly how many days and weeks you have at home before you need to return to school. In most cases, the holiday will probably be somewhere between 6 to 8 weeks.

Once you know the schedule exactly, talk it over with your family and friends and mark off at least 2-3 weeks (approximately one third of your total vacation time) for a complete break from studies.

This is the ideal time to take a holiday, do some travelling or just generally give yourself a change of scenery. Remember though, this is vacation time, so whatever you do, no studying, no textbooks and no schoolwork. There will be plenty of time for that later on.

To get the most out of this holiday period, I recommend taking this break somewhere in the middle of your recess time. That way you can leave 2 or 3 weeks on either side of your holiday to both wind down, and then get back up to speed with your studies.

It can be tempting to place the holiday towards the end of your summer break, however, doing this could adversely affect you when you return to school. Anyone who has driven a car before will tell you that it is far more comfortable to accelerate from 60 to 80 kilometers per hour than it is to go from 0 to 60 in a short space of time. So, it’s important to get your brain’s engine sufficiently warmed up again before diving back into the thick of it with your studies.

However, you will also want to keep your study plan light. Don’t overload yourself with too much work. Try to set a daily maximum. I would recommend no more than 3 or 4 hours per day. This is enough to keep the mind engaged and ensure you don’t forget any of the essential formulae or other information you acquired during the previous term.

Also, try to spread your study out over the course of a day. Doing one or two hours in the morning, followed by a long, leisurely lunch break, preferably somewhere outside in the sunshine, is ideal. Students who spend too much time behind a desk in summertime have been known to occasionally suffer vitamin D deficiency, which comes purely from a lack of exposure to natural light. So get out there and enjoy the sun. Whether it’s going for a walk or playing some sports, try to get out and about when you aren’t studying.

When it comes time to study, it helps to create your own personal study space. Simple things like ensuring your chair is the right height and pitch, and that your desk is big enough to accommodate all your required materials helps immeasurably.

Try to free yourself from potential distractions by removing any TV, radio or stereo equipment from the room. Of course you may need your laptop for research purposes, but no You Tube!

After all, we all know how easy it is to be distracted. You start off researching modern economics models and before you know it you’ve wasted 3 hours watching angry movie reviews from various sad people unable to let go of their childhoods!

Or is that just me?

Make sure there is plenty of natural light in the room and it is well ventilated too. Again this is all about keeping yourself focused but also relaxed. Keep a drink with you too, ideally the same drink each time you study. As I’ve mentioned before in previous posts, consistently using the same drink, with a familiar aroma will help to activate the memory receptors in your brain and enable you to better recall information and formulae you have previously assimilated. 
