(好文分享 附英文原文)儒家式的被动吸收还是苏格拉底式的主动发声?



发表于 2016-05-27 18:42:22


























Confucian Cooperation or Socratic Speaking-Out?


Last year, I had the distinct honor and pleasure to oversee a few teacher training seminars for my Japanese colleagues and my fellow native English speaking teachers here in Osaka.

As a teacher, I always enjoy helping my colleagues by imparting some of my own personal knowledge and experience on to them. Taking part in such seminars also serves as a timely reminder that one is never too old to learn new things.

Of course, as in all academic seminars, I certainly didn’t agree with 100% of the ideas being put forward, but I was given plenty of food for thought.

One issue which I think is pertinent to teachers everywhere was the concept of the Confucian Classroom vs the Socratic Classroom.

Of course as one would expect, as the founding father of Chinese philosophy and indeed a major influence on teaching attitudes throughout the entire East Asian region, today’s modern classroom in China, Japan or Korea owes a great deal to the teachings of Confucius.

On the other hand, much of modern teaching methodology in Europe and the US is in tribute to the works of the Greek scholar Socrates.

For those who may not know, Confucius and Socrates are widely regarded as two of the greatest minds in human history.  Not only this, but they made lasting and radically differing impressions in determining the way education for the masses would take shape  in the centuries and millennia to come.

Confucius was born in China in 551BC, his philosophical belief system, known as Confucianism, forms the basis by which conventional Chinese classrooms are managed and set up to this day.

Confucius believed that honor and respect for family was the ideal basis for building strong communities and therefore, ultimately strong, stable societies. As such, he was a major proponent of the ideas of adherence to the teachings and ideals of those older and more experienced than you and also the concept of listening to your elders and learning from them.

Does this sound familiar?

Today most public school classrooms in China still follow these basic principles of Confucianism. Teacher knows best, students are expected to listen, look and learn. Questioning the logic or the reasoning of your elders is never encouraged, and inquiry is kept to a minimum. In the context of an English class, this means that, as teachers, we will often find our TTT (teaching talking time) maximized, and STT (student talking time) is minimized.

This works very well for subjects like math, science and history, which rely heavily on rote memorization and input delivered in a lecture format. It is not such an effective methodology for skill-based subjects, such as languages, where practice and interaction are crucial to increasing competence.

Socrates, on the other hand, had other ideas.

Born almost a century or so after his Chinese counterpart Confucius, in 469 BC, Socrates is today credited as one of the founding fathers of western philosophy.

To his disciples, such as the similarly lauded Plato, Socrates was a great orator, debater and critic of contemporary politics and ideals. To his detractors he was an argumentative fool, whose own intransigence ultimately led to his demise.

Since Socrates himself never actually wrote any surviving texts in his lifetime, it’s difficult to truly know which side he falls on. Like most people of elevated intellect, the term “flawed genius” is perhaps most pertinent.

Anyway, as an outspoken critic of the politics of his native Athens at the time, Socrates always preached to his followers the importance of inquiry. Questions are the key to further learning in the Socratic system, and as such one should never been afraid to speak out or to challenge an idea they may disagree with. Unfortunately this constant need to question and challenge others led to his eventual execution on charges of heresy against the Athenian state.

“The unexamined life is not worth living” is possibly the most famous quote attributed to Socrates, and it emphasizes again the importance of asking questions and inquiry to enhance one’s knowledge base.

In many ways the cultural differences we notice in Asian classrooms when compared to classes we may see back in Europe or the US can be directly attributed to the difference in teaching styles between Socrates and Confucius.

So, in order to make our students more effective learners of English, or indeed any foreign language, I believe we need to try and make our classrooms less Confucian and more Socratic.

With this approach greater communication between students and teachers takes place as debates start to take shape. Debates are a great way to build your students inquiry skills as well as their fluency and confidence. However, it’s important that you ensure everyone has a chance to speak their mind. Moderating the debate also takes a careful hand, to ensure that the more capable students don’t dominate the proceedings. Everyone needs to be given the opportunity to contribute.

One of Socrates’ greatest attributes as a teacher (something which he himself never professed to be, by the way) was his realization that unlike a conventional Confucian teacher he himself was not above question. Whereas it is traditionally frowned upon here in my current base of Japan for students to question their teacher, I actively encourage my students to speak out. Sometimes I will occasionally make a conscious mistake, like a spelling error or a mispronunciation of a word, to encourage my students to speak out and correct me.

Not only does this encourage a more Socratic working environment, it also shows the students that teachers are no different from any other humans. We make mistakes and we have a sense of humor.

And after all, if one is to endure as an English teacher in Asia for as long as I have (I’m about to enter my tenth year here) then a sense of humor is absolutely essential!
